Sunday, 1 June 2008

Another weekend away

This time it was at L's mum's house.

We went down on Friday night, and the roads weren't too bad. The last hour or so of the journey is nice as it's through country lanes. At one point we stopped and watched a group of deer in a field. It was dusk, and the low light and complete silence apart from bird song made it feel very surreal. It's nice to see some wildlife still exists.

The Saturday was quite cool as L's mum took me to her beauty salon for a pedicure and facial! I'd never had anything like that done before so it was pretty exciting. Needless to say I washed my face and feet very well beforehand!

I was pleased to hear my feet had very little hard skin and the cuticles weren't bad either! I had them cleaned in a foot jacuzzi, then the cuticles were trimmed and the hard skin buzzed away with a machine thing. Then my feet and ankles were massaged, and finally my toenails painted. They look pretty good! Anyone want to guess what colour I have on them?! (Dagny you'll probably get it in one!)

After that was my facial. The woman looked at my skin and said it is very sensitive and reacting to my current moisturiser, and is also very very dehydrated (probably because of my kidneys). So she exfoliated it, cleansed it, massaged it to drain lymphatic fluid, then put on a hydrating mask. While that did its thing she massaged my head and shoulders/upper arms. Finally she cleaned the mask off, moisturised me, and popped on a bit of lip gloss. My face was glowing! It looked brilliant!

Not content to just completely spoil me like that, L's mum bought me some of the recommended skincare products (Clarins). She'd had the same done, and being well-off, can afford to do so regularly. I felt great afterwards. But also a bit bad. She was so very kind to take me and pay for me (the whole lot was about £100), and she says its because she's proud of me for trying so hard with my eating so wanted to do something positive for my body. But I feel guilty whenever I have something nice like that; I feel unworthy of it and am not used to niceness like that. I kept thanking her, but even that didn't seem enough!

Today my face still looks nice, and I am really pleased that the redness (from allergy to old moisturiser!) is settling down now. The lady who did it knows L's mum well, and told her that I'm "a pretty little thing" and she hopes one of her sons finds a girl like me. How sweet is that?! So yeah, when I'm feeling quite blah about my body, this was a really positive weekend for me which has really helped.

Last week I had to go and get new bras, and it turns out with the help of the pill, my boobs have gone from a 32A to a 32C!!!

Now I'm veeeeeeeeeeerrrrrrrrrrryyyyyyyyyyyy tired (despite an 11 hour sleep last night!) so am vegging for the rest of the day - not that there's much of it left seeing as it's 5.30pm!

Hope you are all having a good weekend. I'll read your blogs tomorrow.


Dagny said...

Ok, YAY for nice weekends!!!

Now, I know you don't think you deserve things, but I am sooooooooo glad you enjoyed yourself for the most part!!!!! And can I say...JEALOUS???? I want a facial so day.

And you ARE a cute little thing!! So there. :D

I am pretty sure I know the colour of your toes, but I will leave the guessing for others...hehee. But yeah, I am pretty sure I know. ;)

And the deer story, NICE. I love those kind of moments. Really puts you back in touch with nature, if only for a little while.

Anyway, sorry for babbling here, I have missed you!!! :)


Barb said...

What a nice weekend you had.
I would LOVE a pedicure and facial!!I'm in diar need!!

I'm so glad to hear that L's mom took the time to take you out and let you know that she's proud of you. What a wonderful compliment. Don't feel guilty. Try to process the compliment and enjoy the good feeling that comes from positive words.

I'm proud of you too. Keep up the good work!!!

Annie Coe said...

Okay, I am guessing purple? Mine are painted lilac right now, but I had to do my own :-(. I think you deserve it and so much more. We all do though we never think we do and that is sad. Glad you had fun!

Dagny said...

OH!!! You are good Annie!!!!!

Annie Coe said...

Do I win a prize? :-).

Dagny said...

I dunno, we'll have to ask Phoenix.....OH Phoenix.....where are youuuuuuuuuuuuu??????


Phoenix said...

I'm heeeeeeerreeee!!!

Annie wins first prize! Umm, what could it be....?!
A pat on the back!!!!!!!!

Dagny said...

There you are!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

*tackles for hug*


Annie Coe said...

A pat on the back will do fine :-).