Thursday, 5 June 2008


I'm sinking.

It's so damn hard.

Can't give up but I'm really, really struggling at the moment.

Feel so alone.


Annie Coe said...

Big hug. Buck up, you are never alone, never and I know you have a friend in dagny and I am here however far keeping track of you.
Sending lots of love.

Dagny said...

Hang in there hun. :(

I'm sorry you are feeling so low.

I'll be around tomorrow, after Tuesday though, I am gone until this whole ivf thing is done...trapped at the cottage with no internet...:(

Anyway, please come around tomorrow to chat. Please?


LizLSB said...

Hugs to you! Don't give up; we all have dark days but thankfully, we have good days too. Be extra kind to yourself.