Monday, 5 May 2008


I have saddle sores on my butt and my body aches like crazy, but it's great! It's pain, but it's good pain. It's not failing kidneys pain or stressed heart pain or any of that sort of thing. It's pain from doing something I love.

I rode Mizz out Saturday and Sunday on this 40 min (in horsey walk) route which takes you through trees and along the banks of the river Trent. Mizz has loved it, and I've been in my element! Silly beam all over my face! L walks out with us which has been good exercise for him, but also good for my confidence as I'm still physically quite weak. On the Saturday I was using both hands on the reins, but yesterday I was back to my old confidence, using one hand to hold the reins and the other on my leg. I was amazed at how I've just settled straight back into it. And Charisma has been a real angel. I am so blessed to have her.

So this afternoon hopefully it'll be another ride out. I've told my body if it gives me a ride today I'll let it recover and rest tomorrow! She gets her front shoes tomorrow. Then I'm planning on a lesson hack on Wednesday. Need to get the bus there on Wednesday though, so must rest rest rest tomorrow.

I'll get L to take some more pictures and post them later. I felt really fat last night and still stressy about it this morning, so I'm trying to submerge myself in my horse and let that cary me through.


Dagny said...


So glad you got out again! wow. :D

That is just so great Hun. I'm beaming for you!

Have fun today, and hopefully your butt feels better soon!!! hehee.


Dagny said...

And I want pics!!!!!

Of the beautiful you!!!

Annie Coe said...

Good luck with another ride today.
So happy for you. I know about "feeling" fat when you so clearly are not, but think about this, isn't it better to be fat than sick or god forbide dead?

Dagny said...

See Jenny!!! Others agree with ME. ;)


Phoenix said...


I didn't get to ride yesterday (Monday) as she'd got a small cut on her face around where the bridle would go. So in the end in groomed her then bathed the cut and put antiseptic on it, then turned her back out. It was nice to be the one being "mom" to her!

But I got my exercise in the end; L and I walked Kiwi to the river Trent (opposite bank to the one I ride along!) so she could swim. The round trip was about 5 miles which was way too much for me, but I just about got back intact!

Today is a rest day!

Dagny said...

Sounds good, you relax!!!!!


LizLSB said...

Phoenix, so nice of you to visit my blog and comment. Nice to meet you! I'm glad you got out and rode, even if you got a sore rump in the process. I feel I must read your archives and get to know you better.

Dagny said...

And uhm, where are those riding pics miss Phoenix????? Huh???


Annie Coe said...

Yeah, where are those pictures?