Thursday, 15 May 2008


I am a whirlwind today!
I saw my therapist this morning and wanted to go to the stables this afternoon, but there have been some house jobs that have needed doing for aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaages, so I thought I'd get on with those while I was feeling proactive!
So this afternoon I've washed the kitchen floor, put a load of laundry through the washing mashing, bleached and scrubbed the sink and surround, washed the work tops, washed the fronts of the kitchen cupboards and washed up stuff that can't go through the dishwasher. Then I walked the dog, came back and vacuumed the downstairs. After that I washed the bathroom which was no mean feat! Oh yeah and I emptied all the bins in the house too.
Now I'm knackered! I want a bath but am reluctant to dirty my sparkling clean bath!!!

I just want L to come home from work now so I can relax with him a bit. He needs cheering up. He always needs cheering up!

Then Heroes is on tonight. Huzzah!

Anyone think I'm trying no to think about something by keeping myself busy?!!!


LizLSB said...

Definitely sounds like you're avoiding something. :) Thanks again, for checking out my blog. Nice to have you around.

Annie Coe said...

You maybe avoiding something, but at least you got something done, not like me who should have been doing what you were doing and read a book instead :-). Now you have a clean house and I do not :-).

Phoenix said...

I was not a happy bunny this morning to get up and find dirty kitty pawprints all over my nice clean bath! Grr!!!

Dagny said...

Well, I was kinda thinking about the pre AF cleaning frenzy I go on....

maybe you are almost there...heh.


Wanna come here and clean????